Chakra Healing

What is chakra healing?

Chakras are the energy centers of the body. Each one is an energetic spinning vortex and together they are responsible for energy coming into and out of your energy body. They work together as a system, so if one is out of balance or blocked, it can affect the others as well. Chakra healing is the process of identifying and resolving blocks and imbalances in this system.

One way to approach chakra healing with crystals is to use the articles below to identify which of your chakras need the most support and work with specific crystals for that chakra. Another way is to support the entire chakra system at the same time by doing a chakra crystal body layout.

Crystals for Chakras

Crystals for Chakras

Top 3-5 crystals for balancing and activating each of the seven chakras.

How to Heal the Crown Chakra

How to Heal the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the home of our connection to the Divine. It is the seat of consciousness and where we experience unity and enlightenment. Its colors are purple and white, and it is our connection to the Divine Universe.

How Do I Heal My Third Eye Chakra?

How Do I Heal My Third Eye Chakra?

The third eye chakra is the center of your intuition and imagination. This is what we refer to as our “mind’s eye”, and is connected to all forms of sight and vision. Its color is indigo, which is a dark blue-violet.

How Do I Heal My Throat Chakra?

How Do I Heal My Throat Chakra?

The throat chakra is the center of self-expression and communication. Its color is blue and it is associated with truth, authenticity, self-acceptance, innovation, and seeking knowledge. Healing it can resolve communication difficulties, empower you to speak up for yourself, and help you live a creative and purposeful life.

How Do I Heal My Heart Chakra?

How Do I Heal My Heart Chakra?

The heart chakra is the center of giving and receiving love. Its colors are green and pink, and healing it can resolve loneliness, social anxiety, heartbreak, fear of opening up and trusting, lack of self-care, and difficulty receiving love. People with a healthy, balanced heart chakra are open-hearted, loving, joyful, and take good care of […]

How Do I Heal My Solar Plexus Chakra?

How Do I Heal My Solar Plexus Chakra?

The solar plexus chakra is the center of our self-worth and power. It’s colors are yellow and gold, and healing it can resolve anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and increase our inspiration, self-confidence, and ability to manifest what we want in the world. People with healthy, balanced solar plexus chakras radiate like the sun!

How Do I Heal My Sacral Chakra?

How Do I Heal My Sacral Chakra?

The sacral chakra is the center of our creativity, desire, sexuality, pleasure, and passion. Its color is orange and it is related to reproduction, libido, fertility, emotional balance, stamina, energy, and physical vitality. It is also the home of our emotional connections to other people and sense of tribe.

How Do I Heal My Root Chakra?

How Do I Heal My Root Chakra?

The root chakra is the center of our grounding to the physical world. Its color is red and it is associated with survival, instinct, kundalini energy, health, safety, stability, trust, and physical power.