Chakra Healing

What is chakra healing?

Chakras are the energy centers of the body. Each one is an energetic spinning vortex and together they are responsible for energy coming into and out of your energy body. They work together as a system, so if one is out of balance or blocked, it can affect the others as well. Chakra healing is the process of identifying and resolving blocks and imbalances in this system.

One way to approach chakra healing with crystals is to use the articles below to identify which of your chakras need the most support and work with specific crystals for that chakra. Another way is to support the entire chakra system at the same time by doing a chakra crystal body layout.

Crystals for Chakras

Crystals for Chakras

Top 3-5 crystals for balancing and activating each of the seven chakras.

How to Heal the Crown Chakra