Kunzite Meaning & Properties

Healing Properties of Kunzite Crystals

Top 3 Benefits of Kunzite

  1. Restore your innate connection to Divine Love
  2. Helps you release heartbreak and open to unconditional love
  3. Deep relaxation from feeling peace in your heart

Is your heart hurting? Do you feel disconnected from your heart’s wisdom? Kunzite crystals can help you heal and restore your natural sense of love and peace.

Kunzite is a stone of Divine Love, which is the ocean of love we are all swimming in but often are unable to feel. Kunzite helps you reconnect with that endless source of love so you feel loved no matter what.

Our hearts are the parts of us that are always in connection with our true, authentic self, and with the abundance of love available in the Universe. Kunzite’s healing properties help restore the connection between our hearts and this eternal source of wisdom, peace, and joy.

What is Divine Love?

The feeling of Divine Love is a pervasive sense of wellbeing, relaxation, and simple contentment. There is nothing to do and nowhere to get to because everything is already OK and you are exactly who you are meant to be and where you are meant to be. All is well.

This feeling of Divine Love is a big contrast to our normal mode of busy-ness and striving. This is why it’s so important to tap into this feeling on a regular basis, to balance out the achievement-oriented culture we live in.

Kunzite Helps You Find Joy & Peace

Connecting to Divine Love helps us relax into a sense of ease in which we know our daily efforts are not what makes us valuable. We have an inherent value that can never diminish or change. The benefit of kunzite is to remind us of this truth, so we can relax. Resting in the knowledge of who we really are frees up an ocean of energy to do what brings us joy, rather than trying to earn a sense of belonging.

Kunzite can also help if you are unsure what brings you joy or what direction to go in. The whisper of your heart can be hard to hear–holding a kunzite crystal in quiet meditation can help you sink into your heart and let it speak to you.

Kunzite Mineral & Gemstone Information

Kunzite is a pink stone that is a form of spodumene. It is naturally pale, but can be heat-treated to deepen its color. It is named after George Kunz, who discovered it in 1902.
