Black Tourmaline Meaning & Properties

Healing Properties of Black Tourmaline

Top 3 Benefits of Black Tourmaline

  1. Protection from destructive energy
  2. Purifying the aura & surroundings of negativity
  3. Balancing extremes of emotion

Black Tourmaline is one of the top stones for crystal healing because it is such a strong protector. It transmutes negative energy so that energy is freed up to support your highest good.

Wearing black tourmaline beaded bracelets or a pendant daily is a good idea for empaths who tend to pick up other people’s energy. It helps you keep your energetic boundaries and can purify any stray energy that comes your way.

You can also keep it in your environment to purify the energy in the room, and place it near doorways and windows for protection.

As a first chakra stone, black tourmaline is grounding and balancing for the emotions. It helps you stay centered and calm and able to deal with your life as it comes. If you tend to worry and stress out about life, black tourmaline can help you find a more even-keel emotional state and establish it as your new set-point.

Being so tied to Earth energy, black tourmaline helps us feel like we are “home” wherever we are on the planet. This makes it a great choice for people going through transitions who are feeling ungrounded or disconnected from their sense of place. It’s also good if you struggle with feeling like you don’t belong on this planet or don’t feel at home here.

Black Tourmaline Mineral & Gemstone Information

Black tourmaline is sometimes called schorl. Tourmaline has a hexagonal crystal structure, with distinctive striations running in parallel. Tourmaline comes in many colors besides black, like pink, green, purple, and red.

It’s a fairly hard stone that is used in fine jewelry, but it’s generally still categorized as semi-precious. Fine specimens can be quite expensive, but rough pieces suitable for crystal healing are more affordable. Black tourmaline is the least expensive color, which is great news for crystal healers!

Black Tourmaline