Crystals & Stones for Wellness

Healing crystals are excellent helpers for general wellness and bringing positive energy into your life. Crystals for wellness include amber, peridot, bloodstone, and more. Learn about the healing properties of wellness crystals and stones and how they can bring healing energy into your home.


Amber is like concentrated sunshine. It purifies the aura, lightens your mood, & supports health & recovery.

Amber Properties »


Bloodstone is a purifying stone that brings out the best of us–nobility, altruism, strength, and resilience.

Bloodstone Properties »


Hematite is one of the most effective grounding stones. It supports pragmatic action to pursue your highest goals.

Hematite Properties »


Green jade is a nourishing stone that helps you trust in the abundance of the Universe.

Jade Properties »


Onyx boosts willpower, discipline, and focus.

Onyx Properties »


Peridot is a positive energy stone that helps you attract abundance, wake up smiling, and live your best life!

Peridot Properties »
Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood can steady your nerves & help heal family patterns rooted in the past.

Petrified Wood Properties »
Rainforest Jasper

Rainforest Jasper

Rainforest Jasper helps you access the wisdom of nature, feel connected to the Earth, and access the energy of new growth to increase your vitality and sense of aliveness.

Rainforest Jasper Properties »


Turquoise has the energy of an old soul. It offers a path of enlightenment through self-acceptance & integration.

Turquoise Properties »

More about Crystals & Stones for Wellness

Crystals can help with wellness by clearing negative energy and strengthening your chakras. Healing stones and crystals can be used in meditation or held while experiencing negative emotions to help bring emotional healing, mental clarity, and inner peace.